The much celebrated celebrity death match between 80-yr-old Tulfo and the Santiagos has generated more hits than the recently concluded Cotto-Mayweather boxing match. That's an achievement. Perhaps people prefer a more informal type of fight - held at the prestigious Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA-3), an airport-slash-grandstand (the first of its kind) oozing with awesomeness it apparently has no need for security or any type of surveillance.
Security guards are also really just untrained civilians with company-issued security guard uniforms. Armed with nothing but their bare hands, their vast numbers are at least competent enough to physically restrain an 80-yr-old Aikido/Taekwondo black belt, who must have looked like he was clearly on the way to a lopsided victory over the 2 or 3 people who were intent on giving him a beauty makeover- until his face was glowing a nice shade of mestizo-like red. Later in the police station, you could see the frustration in Tulfo's face after realizing he was duped by the Santiagos, seeing his newly acquired boyishly-handsome skin-tone go on to look like the sky at night.
Still, back in the fight, you have to give it up for Tulfo, who was skillful and creative enough to give Claudine Barretto the worst beating of her life - leaving smudges of what I think could only be Hershey's Chocolate on her thigh. Much respect to her for harnessing her long-dormant acting abilities by demonstrating how said Hershey's Chocolate can be bad for your health with a convincing limp.
Also, kudos to the airline, who many believe to be the chief organizers of the fight. They're the only airline kind enough to withhold bad news from their passengers, at least letting them 'enjoy their flights' while it lasted (there's some truth to the pablum they spew over the intercom after all). This proved beneficial to other passengers as well. I imagine anyone lucky enough to sit beside an irate Claudine Barretto would be pretty grateful.
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